Thursday, October 27, 2011

Are you a Devil

or an Angel??

Let's take a look.

Recently, we had a group of women who participated in our UnderCover Angel program. WOW!! These women were confident, strong and a whole lot of fun. They told us we were amazing but let's be real.

We DO amazing work but we wouldn't be able to it without them. They brought their smiles, energy and excitement. They were also nervous, but after 5 minutes, they had a wonderful time. And we captured great images of each of them.

Remember going to a Tupperware party? How about a jewelry or naughty nightie party?
We all didn't want to go sometimes but it was a family member or really good friend who was having the party. So we went....and we had fun because of the people at the party. Of course we bought something because we wanted to help them. And in the end, we loved what we bought.

Our UnderCover Angel Program is similar. We have our hostess and she brings in a couple of her friends. We have a party. This party is soooo much fun. Wine, champagne, cheese, crackers, fruit, chocolate (can't have a party without chocolate), friends and FUN.

Call now to setup your party, just in time for Christmas. A special present for the other half. Call Angel Moon Photography at 860-584-9789.

Each hostess will receive a special gift.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness

I titled this Breast Cancer Awareness. This is why. We had a very special lady come to us to do an UnderCover Angels session. When asked why this was so important to her she told us of her story.

Tammy had breast cancer and is a survivor. She endured the unthinkable. A double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. If anyone has gone thru this process, you know. It takes so much out of you. I personally have not been here. I feel the women that have are more courage and have more strength then I.

Tammy, as you can see, is not only strong and courageous, she is beautiful. When she walked out of our studio, she got what she wanted the most. She wanted to feel like a women again. She was empowered. She felt sexy.

For Leo and I, this means so much. I can't describe it. So many emotions. I don't even know the proper wording to use.

I know we haven't been on this blog for awhile. Let me explain.

Some women do not want their images posted on the Internet. Angel Moon Photography will always respect our clients wishes. For some women, this session is a very private and personal session. They do the sessions for themselves. Bravo to these women. Just to try and do the session can be very hard. I know I did it myself.

As women we should be proud of us. We do for our families and loved ones 24/7. Sometimes we get lost in the shuffle of life. We do not do things for us. Our family is more important. There comes a time when we realize "Ok it is me time". And that is very important. We all need "ME" time. Balancing everyday life, with work, the children's activities, housework, and if you have a partner, their needs also. We forget about us and what we need and want.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

UnderCover Angels

The Undercover Angels Video I promised. Please enjoy the beautiful images and let us know what you think.

Ladies, I know many of us may think we couldn't do this even if we wanted to. Let me tell you. Every women can do this. Who doesn't waht to feel sexy, and have fun. It makes you feel like a women.

Our special thank you to our Angels in the video. We had a great day and I know we will again soon.