Are you a Devil

or an Angel??
Let's take a look.
Recently, we had a group of women who participated in our UnderCover Angel program. WOW!! These women were confident, strong and a whole lot of fun. They told us we were amazing but let's be real.
We DO amazing work but we wouldn't be able to it without them. They brought their smiles, energy and excitement. They were also nervous, but after 5 minutes, they had a wonderful time. And we captured great images of each of them.
Remember going to a Tupperware party? How about a jewelry or naughty nightie party?
We all didn't want to go sometimes but it was a family member or really good friend who was having the party. So we went....and we had fun because of the people at the party. Of course we bought something because we wanted to help them. And in the end, we loved what we bought.
Our UnderCover Angel Program is similar. We have our hostess and she brings in a couple of her friends. We have a party. This party is soooo much fun. Wine, champagne, cheese, crackers, fruit, chocolate (can't have a party without chocolate), friends and FUN.
Call now to setup your party, just in time for Christmas. A special present for the other half. Call Angel Moon Photography at 860-584-9789.
Each hostess will receive a special gift.